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  • Writer's pictureMary Johnson MEd, MSN, RD

Baby Rhubarb Crisp

Updated: May 19, 2021

Sometimes you just need a little treat! In the spring, I love to make a rhubarb crisp! When I made this recipe, I only had 7 oz of rhubarb - the inspiration for a baby crisp! This recipe can be easily adapted based on how much rhubarb you have.

Rhubarb is very tart and is frequently combined with strawberries. I like it on its own. If I don't have enough to make a crisp without adding another fruit, my preference is raspberry.

Note: Rhubarb leaves are poisonous!

Rhubarb is rich in vitamin C and potassium. It is good for removing toxins.

Rhubarb Crisp

Preheat oven to 350

Grease a 5-6 inch baking dish.

Topping 1/2 c rolled oats

1/4 c whole wheat flour

1/4 c walnut pieces

2 T melted butter

2 T maple syrup

1/2 t vanilla

1/4 t salt Combine and set aside.

Filling 7-8 oz rhubarb sliced into cubes

1 t cinnamon

1/4 cup brown sugar (this is an approximate amount - you want to cover the rhubarb)

1/2 of a lemon juiced

1 T water Optional - 1/2 T of tapioca to thicken juice

Combine in a medium bowl and place into baking dish. Top with oat and walnut topping. Cover top with foil or parchment paper until the last 10 minutes - allowing top to brown. Bake for 30 min.


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