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  • Writer's pictureMary Johnson MEd, MSN, RD

Soy, Vitamin D and Carotenoids Support Biological Processes that are Cancer Protective

Soy, Vitamin D and Carotenoids support biological processes, including hormone regulation, that are cancer protective.

- Vitamin D is found in salmon, sardines, tuna, and fortified foods (orange juice and dairy and non-dairy milk). It's one of the few supplements I consider recommending when working with clients as many people don't get enough.

- Carotenoids are found in carrots, sweet potatoes, squash, spinach, apricots, green peppers, cantaloupe, kale and many other foods! They are a fat soluble compound meaning they need to be consumed with a little fat for absorption. The most common forms of carotenoids are α-carotene, β-carotene, β-cryptoxanthin, lutein, zeaxanthin, and lycopene. Beta-carotene is a precursor to vitamin A. It's worth noting that if your are using supplements, there is an upper limit on vitamin A.

It's always best to consume foods closest to their original source (a carrot stick vs. carrot cake.)

- Soy. There are many forms of soy: Tempeh, Tofu, Edamame, Unsweetened Soy Milk and Soy Sauce. I'm sill asked if it is safe - especially for estrogen-receptor positive breast cancer. The answer is yes! The phytoestrogens in soy are structurally different and weaker than human estrogen and don't turn into estrogen when consumed. Moderate intake does not cause cancer growth and is safe for individuals with cancer.

Research around concentrated soy supplements (bars and powders) is less clear. In general, supplement use during cancer treatment is something that should be discussed with your care team. Soy supplements are something those with hormone sensitive cancer should discuss prior to use.

Tempeh and tofu keep for quite a while in the fridge and both are great additions to stir fry and soup. Edamame makes a great snack with hot sauce! I recommend unsweetened soy milk. Those wishing to avoid GMOs should purchase organic soy products.

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